Vaayai Moodi Pesavum – is a Tamil comedy drama released in 2014. The movie plot revolves around the fact that humans have taken their ability to speak and communicate for granted. Either they do not use it properly or they use it to speak unnecessary stuff. The message is conveyed in the backdrop of a fictitious town names Pani Malai where there is a serious disease spreading which takes away the ability for people to communicate. The protagonist has an aspiration to become a radio jockey which is put in jeopardy when there is a law passed which prevents people from speaking.
The movie is very notable for its different story line. The plot is very simple and cute to outline the importance of speech for humans and how they keep wasting the valuable gift by over using it or not using it. As it is a very simple concept the movie it does not warrant the length it currently has. The director has taken a huge risk by not having dialogues for a large portion of the second half. Despite the length, the movie works for the plot and the humor it carries. This one deserves a watch for the different attempt and creative plot. I personally liked this better than Balaji Mohan’s previous Kadhalil Sodhappuvathu Eppadi.
Watchable – for the creative plot