Tag Archives: Cars


Planes – is an American animated movie released in 2013. Dusty is a crop-duster plane who aspires to become a racer. But there is one problem he has to overcome before he becomes a successful racer… he has to let go of his fear of heights. Whether he was able to do it to become the successful racer is the plot of the movie.

This is in line with the Cars movie where it is the world of automobiles with personalities. This uses a tried and tested formula where a protagonist coming from ordinary background aspires to achieve something extraordinary. His journey and the obstacles he would have to overcome to become successful. The animation quality is inline of what you have seen in Cars. However the story line might remind you of other animation movies you have seen using the same plot. So you end up feeling that it is repeat of some movie you had seen some time back. However Planes definitely has some interesting sequences like the one where they have created the iconic landmarks in the world including Taj Mahal as the planes fly across the world. You can watch it with your kids at home.

Wait for TV/DVD