Onaayum Aattukkuttiyum – is a Tamil Crime Thriller released in 2013. One night a medical student finds a man lying on the road with a bullet wound. He risks the law and saves him by doing a surgical procedure all by himself. The unknown man later known as wolf escapes after the surgery and we come to know that he is a fugitive and a contract killer wanted by the police. Who is this wolf and why is he wanted by the police? Did the medical student and his family come out of the case? – is the rest of the plot.
Mysskin is known for his unique plot and different style of narration. Onaayum Aattukkuttiyum is no different. It has its thrilling and gripping moments that would keep the audience engaged for its most part. Ilayaraja’s background score is a great plus for the movie. Different camera angles and elaborate single shot narration which are typical Mysskin’s trademark can be seen in this movie as well. However as the story unfolds you feel that the suspense is dragged a tad bit longer and which is distraction for the viewer. The actual suspense turns out to be bleak for the amount of bloodshed that happens. Mysskin should concentrate more on the production quality of the movies he makes. Overall it is not a bad movie and would make a decent watch on television.
Wait for TV/DVD