Joy Review – Joy is an American biographical comedy-drama released in 2015. The movie follows a common woman who struggles to manage her dysfunctional family of four generations, is on a path to become a greatest business tycoon.
Before I write any of my review comments let me tell you that I love David O Russell movies. Hence, I couldn’t resist watching Joy. The movie banks on the performance of Jennifer Lawrence throughout and she has done a phenomenal job in portraying the role of Joy on screen. I love the drama value in the movies of David O Russell. I loved the drama in the story of Joy as well. I loved the transformation of Joy’s character through the movie and her Character Arc is brilliantly sketched in the movie.
The director has certain shots subtle and in the background avoiding the usual cliches in a deliberate attempt to make something magical. I liked this treatment very much. I believe this is what has disappointed the larger set of critics who might have walked in with the expectation of watch yet another Silver Lining Playbook. The distinct characterization of each member of the family has been portrayed very well. Also, the dream sequence construction which is a mixture of the Soap Opera her Mom watches and book she reads for her daughter.
High Points: Performance of Jennifer Lawrence, The sequence of her business counterpart during the climax is phenomenal. The dream sequence for Joy.
Low Points: The plot is a simple one compared to his previous outings with Silver Lining Playbook and American Hustle.
Overall this may not be the best movie of David O Russell but it still has the ability to engage you throughout. If you are a fan of Jennifer Lawrence you cannot afford to miss this one.
Worth a Watch
Couldn’t recognize JLaw from the poster at first! Surely need to watch this one 🙂
How can you Teny 😛 Yes you would like this movie
It is a case of infatuation with the Mockingjay 😀