Penguins of Madagascar Review – Penguins of Madagascar is an English animation movie released in 2014. The penguins from the Madagascar franchise embark on a new adventure in which they face a fearsome villain from whom they would have to save the entire race of Penguins and the love of people for Penguins.
This one is banking on the popularity Penguins have got with the Madagascar franchise. The movie has a plot that is focused on making the audience laugh and letting the Penguins do what they are best at. Although in parts the movie would resemble to the minions episode in Despicable Me 2. Still the movie would engage you throughout and make you laugh at many places. The quality of the animation is very good.
There are more characters in this other than the Penguins. The new characters have similar taste in adventure as the Penguins do. However they fail to fit in well as Alex and party in the Madagascar series.
High points: The scene in which the penguins fall off a plane is hilarious, their entire adventure in the streets of Shangai is good, The core focus being on the Penguins is a big plus for the movie considering how the last two movies from the Franchise have fared.
Low points: Similarity of the plot and sequences with Despicable Me 2, The new spy characters did not fit in too well for the Madagascar franchise
Overall despite the short comings this one is a better movie compared to the last two Madagascar movies. If you are a fan of Madagascar Penguins don’t miss this one. Kids would enjoy this movie very much, so if you have kids do take them to watch the adventure of the Penguins.
Thanks for the inputs. Nice way of doing a review. 🙂
Thanks for the comment… Glad you liked it… 🙂