
Drishyam – is a Malayalam drama and thriller released in 2013. The movie revolves around the middle class family of Georgekutty, his wife Rani and their two daughters. They lead a typical life that has both happy as well as challenging moments around petty things. Overnight they go through a situation that threatens to change their lives forever. What was the situation and did they manage to overcome it is the plot of Drishyam.

Director Jeethu Joseph has created a very engaging thriller in Drishyam. The movie starts on a slow note revolving around the family going about their routine life. One might start having a feeling of watching a TV serial during this portion. However once the problem is manifested everything falls in place and keeps you engaged throughout. You would leave the hall with a very satisfied feeling. Mohanlal’s acting is laudable and is very convincing. The other characters Meena, Kalabhavan Shajon has done a very good job in their roles as well. The screenplay and the shots layout has been the soul for the movie which slowly unfolds and keeps the audience guessing till the end. But for the length of the movie you would not find many shortcomings. Overall the movie is a must watch in the theaters.

Must Watch

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