Neram – A comedy thriller movie which had been made in Tamil and Malayalam simultaneously. The plot revolves around Vetri who has lost his job just before his sisters wedding. He borrows money from a goon, who is known for his cruel acts when people fail to repay the dues. 3 months later he is not able to repay as he has not found a job. His girl friend comes out of her house as her father is planning to get her married to someone else. The goon is after Vetri. His brother in law is asking for the remaining dowry money. Vetri somehow manages to get money from his friend but on the way loses it to a roadside thief. He is at cross roads where he has to get his girl friend, get money to repay the goon and his brother in law all in a matter of few hours. Will he be able to do it is the rest of the story.
Although the plot is simple the handling is very novel and the director Alphonse Putharen has done a very neat job with the narration. The movie starts slowly and builds up pace as it moves forward and engages with the audience. You would see a lot of influence of Tarantino and Guy Ritchie style of narration in parts. The characterization is a big plus for the movie. All of the characters have played their part very well. The director has created a complex knot in the build up phase and he has handled the climax very well to remove the knots in a very dramatic and comical yet convincing fashion. The movie and its narration style are fresh for Tamil and Malayalam audience. New directors coming up with such different scripts is a very welcome change for Indian Cinema. Watch it for its novel treatment.
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